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Trance Like Depression - De-Hypnotising Depression

So in depression there is age regression, that is primarily focusing on the past, being preoccupied with past hurts, rejections, failures and humiliations.The past is used as a reference of current life decisions and how we orient ourselves in the present.

In terms of the future, where we consider ourselves as projecting our lives into the future we project past hurts, worries and anxieties into future contexts. We revivify the past into the future that is still yet to come.

Forgetfulness or amnesia is often accompanied by the trance state and in depression it can be expressed in a trance like way in the inability for focus and recall past successes, happiness-es, and positive feeling and feedback.

Bodily discomfort is also prominent in experiencing depression, lack of free and spontaneous movement, rigidity, immobility compound the low feeling of the body's depression.

The experience of 'not being with it', a sense of unrealness in the world can be a factor in feeling depressed. The feeling of not being in a proper relation to things around you and as a result paying attention to the negatives, avoiding experiencing the present in favour concentrating on the past. So selecting negative parts of oneself and attending to these thoughts over and against anything else.

Hypnotherapists often talk of ideodynamic responses, very simply thoughts and feeling that trigger sensory responses. Negative thoughts, feelings, sensations, almost become automatic without us fully understanding.

Depressive trance like states can involve a hyper-sensitivity where we perceive rejection and negativity where there is none along with an inability to see and hear about the positive and good things in us and around us.

Our sense of the world and our bodies can become distorted in depression with fascination and concentration on feeling physically unwell, worrying about having imagined physical illnesses which compound a sense of negativity, anxiety and worry.

Our sense of time can become distorted in depressive trance, the past seems as if if where an immense mess of suffering and negativity and the future will be much the same, there are no good future possibilities.

Depression can get a hold of us like a trance, a bad trance so we float through the world from one negativity to the next. We need the courage to BREAK THE BAD TRANCE and replace being entranced by depression with the playful and free trance that can help us be in the present and move with strength to the future. In a way, WE NEED TO DE-HYPNOTIZE DEPRESSION.

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